Saturday, September 27, 2008

October 7, 2007-Anzac Hill, School of the Air, Shopping Time

We went to Anzac Hill first off that day. It had some type of memorial at the top. I took lots of picture here. It really reminded me of home. The vast emptiness surrounding the town, the rolling country side, everything in general from that view…it all reminded me of being back at home in Borger.
The School of the Air is the largest classroom in the World. They use a radio and some computers and broadcast live to kids in remote areas. It’s quite a different set-up. I’ve never heard of anything quite like it. Then we went shopping.
A) The school of the air shows how they strive to teach children and socialize them to the standards of today.
B) This showed me “To what length” Australia goes to educate their youngsters. The memorial at Anzac shows how they take pride in their past.
C) The School of the Air creates a connection to the students in any situation. Mail, Radio, internet, etc… It shows that Aussies place education with the upmost importance like us in the States.
D) Alice Spring and all the locals are unique.

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