Saturday, October 11, 2008

November 12th, 2007: SKY DIVING TIME BABY!!

Alrighty, this is the day I was looking forward to throughout the entire semester. I lost 30lbs that fall just to do it. I went on a strict Atkins diet to do so. That was hard the last leg of the trip. The cruise had all sorts of exquisite food, but I did not have any. I stuck to my diet. I broke it 3 times, each time for a pina coloda from ship. They were so good. My desert, if I chose to have it, was a Diet Coke with Lime. Yum... Anyways, the morning of November the 12th, 2007 I went skydiving. It was amazing. I did the highest dive I possibly could. I dove from 15,000 feet. AWW! That means I free falled for a whole minute. It was worth every penny. The view from up there was spectacular. I went diving with a company called N'Zone. Their jump zone is over the Remarkable Mountain Range. If any of you are Lord of the Rings fans, that location is where Gandolf sits on his white horse with a group a snowy mountains in the background. It is in the beginning of the first movie I believe. Anyway, I would so jump again. I love it. It is so much fun. At one point during my jump I tries opening my mouth and yelling something. Haha, bad tongues instantly felt like sand paper. It took my a couple seconds to catch my breath again. The fall didn't really seem like a minute long. It went by so fast. I wish it were longer. While falling, I didn't have that feeling of my stomach turning inside out. It felt more as if I was floating. You see the forces behind you pushing you down(gravity) and the wind resistance trying to hold up. They both, slow the free fall feeling and make it feel like your floating. Now then, it felt like floating. But I still definitely felt like I was falling over 90mph toward the ground. Initially, the mountains were small when we jumped out of the plane. But as we fell, the mountains became massively huge. I enjoyed that experience immensely. At the jump site, before they put into the plane, they walk you through an about 5 minute briefing of how to fall correctly out of the plane initially. That was all the prepping we needed. The dude attached to us(me) did all the work. I was quite literally on for the ride. You are suppose to fall out of the plane like a banana. And then when he taps your can start moving around. After the free fall, the parachute is deployed. You are then jolted back up in the air very fast. Then we spiraled down to the ground. I told me jumped I wanted to have fun with it, so we spun down to the ground super fast for like 5 minutes. The whole jump itself took about6 minutes once we left the plain. Probably about 15-20 minutes total from getting on the plain and getting back to the ground. While we were climbing in altitude, I could see the plain's windows lining with ice. I thought that was cool. They gave us oxygen after we passed 10,000 feet. They said by law we had to have oxygen until we jumped. In the plane with me was Inabeth Donaldson, Ashley Buford, and myself. They take jumpers up in teams of three. Each of us had our film man and our guide diver. I was the first one out of the plane. There wasn't really any time to think...It was just like ... 3, 2, ,1...down we go. the initial roll out of the plane is exhilarating. The thought of nothing below you but ground and one wicked view is awesome. I would so go diving again. You should try it sometime. If you ever want more information just let me know. I will be happy to help you or answer any more questions about my diving experience in New Zealand. Hopefully, I will be able to dive somewhere else again sometime. Whooh, Im on like an energy high just thinking about it. Have a good day everyone.

Oh yeah, one last thing. After I went sky diving. I went out to eat. And we had subway. Then a few hours later I had Pizza Hut. It was marvelous.I totally gave up the Atkins diet.

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