Saturday, October 11, 2008

October 13th, 2007-“Free day”-Jungle Rainforest Tour

This was my equivalent to free travel. I traveled with Collin S, Ashley B, Ashley T, Ashley O, Kelsey K, Scott W, Inabeth D, Lindsey M, Katie S, and Jennifer M.
So we all decided to do this tour. It was SO much fun. The tour consisted of the following:
1) A stop at a Scenic Overlook
2) A Stop in Port Douglas at a Zoo.
3) A Daintree Rainforest Walk at Mossman’s Gorge.
4) Lunch at a small welcoming café
5) River Cruise through a crocodile sanctuary
6) A trip to Cape Tribulation
The tour was far. We took many short stops at overlooks and whatnot. This tour was done by a mini-bus. Most everyone in the van was from the HUA group. We drove first-off to Port Douglas. There we went to a zoo and had a short tour of the city. We saw Kangaroos, Emus, and a Cassowary (an endangered bird). After the zoo, we went straight to the Rainforest. It was so beautiful there-Australia continually kept shocking me that day. We hiked a little ways and then we all went swimming in the gorge. It was HOT that day and we all were excited to jump in the water. That was my favorite part of the day. It was cool and the rapids were fun to swim in. Lunch was pleasant. The River cruise was interesting. While we were waiting for the cruise, we all played with these little rocks called ‘Burning beans’. These little rocks left like a bruise/burn mark on your skin. I let Katie Smith touch the Burning Bean to my skin…OUCH, it’s like she wanted to Brand me or something. She held it there for a very long time. On the cruise we saw a brief glimpse of a 4 year old crocodile. We saw a 2 year old crocodile and got many pictures of it. After the sighting were over our boat driver got showed us two green tree frogs. It was funny, they were called Green Tree frogs but one of them was brown. After the cruise we went to Cape Tribulation. This was a beautiful remote beach that we had fun in for about an hour. Afterwards, went back to the mini-bus and headed back towards Cairns. The trip back was like 3hours long. We went a ways off that day.
A) Helped me understand the beauty of the rainforest. I did not recall any historical importance on this free day of travel.
B) Made me respect my surroundings
C)Almost like visiting Yellowstone National Park back in the States—It was a unique trip.

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